Executive Presence is a quality we all wish we could have.
The good news is that we can develop it to add immeasurably to our personal competitive advantage.
The paradox for some folks is that those with the most potential for especially powerful executive presence often intentionally diminish their capability for it
It’s a kind of self-sabotage that many engage in.
Accentuate Your Executive Presence
One client I have from a foreign country has incredible charisma and the fundamental tools to develop personal magnetism and powerful personal presence; but he plays it down and attempts to diminish his presence.
Self-consciousness is his worst enemy, and so we’ve worked together on getting him to relish his natural attributes, such as his height and a distinguished bald pate. He now extends himself to his full 6’2” height and employs his deep, resonant voice to full effect.
He has a persona that draws people to him, and now he utilizes that quality in especially powerful fashion.
In short, we’ve worked on developing especially powerful presence that attracts attention rather than deflects it. How can you go about doing this?
Have a look at my short instructional video on developing the basis for a powerful initial stance . . .