The Especially Powerful Presentation . . . this is the elusive dream for many business students.
You can live that dream.
And, in fact, you can learn to enjoy it.
This is good news, because your ability to deliver an especially powerful presentation in cooperation with others is crucial to your success in business school and in the corporate world.
Business School Presentations™ provides you the tools to master this unique business school experience – the Business Presentation. In the process, you gain personal competitive advantage to last a lifetime.
Paradoxically, this most essential of skills is neglected in most business schools. Of all the rich and varied experiences that business school offers, the “business presentation” is possibly the most reviled. Only “group work” carries a stigma anything close to business school presenting.
Combine the two, and you create a nightmarish scenario.
But you must deliver presentations. Lots of them. Almost all of them in a group.
The business presentation is a rite of passage for every B-school MBA and undergraduate, regardless of your major, irrespective of your concentration, and in spite of your personal distaste.
Yet it’s so poorly understood by both students and faculty. Most students never approach their full potential as presenters.
The Especially Powerful Presentation
Business presenting is burdened with a myth.
The myth of presenting is that it is often dismissed as a set of “soft skills” that you can just “pick up” along the way.
Bad presenters and awful business presentations.
If you’re dissatisfied with your university’s presentation preparation – and you probably are – then Business School Presenting™ offers you the chance to gain lasting competitive advantage by developing and lifting your presentation skills to a heretofore unimagined level.
So that you can deliver an especially powerful presentation every time.
Here is what happens within these pages . . .
Click to learn more about Especially Powerful Business School Presentations!* Learn the Seven Secrets of Superior Speaking
* Command the Stage as a Powerful Presenter
* Overcome Stage Fright
* Acquire Confidence and Presence
* Apply Strategic Thinking and Advanced Tools of Analysis
* Work on a Team to Deliver Stellar Group Presentations
* Win Case Competitions
* Become a Champion