You need credible, brief, and direct resources on business presenting – solid information and best practices, not vague generic “presentation principles” and certainly not “communication theory.”
In short, you want to know what works in your business presentation. And why.
If you are like most of the 1.3 million English-speaking business school population worldwide, you doubtless have issues with your business school and its treatment of presentations, which is why you’re here.
Of an estimated 255 million websites worldwide, this is the only site devoted exclusively to business school presentations. I could be wrong about that, and I hope that I am.
Even if this is a lonely outpost today, we know that as quickly as the online community responds to the needs of its users, that could change tomorrow. I trust you’ll let me know, so that I can link to these nooks of the web that may hold secrets that we all need.
Your Business Presentation
But right now, this instant, I do believe that this is it.
Think of this place as your Official College Guide to Business School Presentations and of me as your business presentation instructor. Who am I? I’m your especially powerful business presentations coach.
You must learn how to deliver clear, organized, competent, enthusiastic presentations in business school. If you don’t, you will muddle along with the pack, giving lackluster, half-hearted “presentations” that interest no one and earn you no respect.
You must know how to deliver a powerful presentation, because this is what you must do in the corporate world.
And if you learn how to give a clear, organized, competent, enthusiastic presentation – in short, an especially powerful presentation – this will equip you to excel in the business world far better than any other single skill can prepare you.
Spot-on for Your Business Presentation
You want to know right from wrong, good from bad.
You want to know what is a matter of opinion and what, if anything, is carved in stone.
You’ll find answers here to the most basic of questions.
- What is this beast – the business presentation?
- How do I stand? Where do I stand?
- What do I say? How do I say it?
- How do I reduce 20 pages of analysis into a four-minute spiel that makes sense and that “gets it all in?”
- How should we assemble a group presentation? How do we orchestrate it?
- Where do I begin, and how?
- How do I end my talk?
- What should I do with my hands?
- How do I conquer nervousness once and for all?
- How can I tell “what the professor wants?”
- How do I translate complicated material, such as a spreadsheet, to a PowerPoint slide so that it communicates instead of bores?
Business School Presenting answers every one of these questions about your business presentation and many more that you haven’t even thought of yet. You may not like the answers. You may disagree with the answers.
Fair enough.
Let a thousand presentation flowers bloom across the land. Listen, consider, pick and choose your pleasure.
Or not.
2500 Years of Presenting
But you should know that I offer here the distillation of 2500 years of public speaking and presentation secrets, developed by masters of oratory and public speaking and refined in the forge of experience. Cicero, Quintilian, Demosthenes, John Adams, Patrick Henry, Daniel Webster, Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, William Jennings Bryan, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama – all find their places in the pantheon of the most powerful presenters of all time.
They all have drawn upon the eternal verities of presenting, and in turn they have each contributed their own techniques to the body of wisdom. You’ll find those verities here.

On the other side of things, I’d like to hear your own presentation stories from your campus that illustrate challenges particular to your school and academic concentration.
The various subdisciplines in business – finance, marketing, accounting, human resources, and such like – have their special needs, even as they are all tractable to the fundamental and advanced techniques of powerful presenting.
So enjoy the daily blog posts and provide your own perspective as we tame the beast known as the Business School Presentationpersonal competitive advantage so that you can gain especially powerful .
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