In what has to be the biggest surprise for me on this blog in the year-and-a-half I’ve been writing it is that the most popular post I’ve ever done, by far, is this one.
Nope, you can’t have my slides attracted an incredible amount of views and sustained discussion on LinkedIn.
For some reason, slide posts get people worked up.
People apparently have strong opinions on the PowerPoint slides they prepare for their presentations and, then, what they choose to do with them. Hand them out in hard-copy . . . or not. Hand them out before a presentation . . . or not. These choices elicit strong feelings.
My own position is the clear and simple point that I don’t give away my slides.
Other Viewpoints?
Many folks have offered opinions counter to that . . . for what I consider spurious reasons, or reasons that may have merit on the periphery, but which interfere with the centrally important function of the presentation.
To recap . . . My slides are not meant to be “reviewed” or read at leisure after a presentation. I usually prepare a short compendium of main points of my talk and pass that out . . . after the presentation.
The notion that paper copies of an upcoming presentation should be passed out in advance is absurd. Yes, absurd.
It destroys both power and purpose of the presentation . . . if your presentation is worthy of the name.
Unless the presentation is to an audience whose second language is English, there is no reasonable reason to erode your presentation’s message and power by distributing a distraction. There is enough competition for audience attention without adding to it.
If people want to take notes, they can use a notebook.
If people want to split their attention and “follow along” on some printout, rustling and shuffling papers throughout your talk, they are destined to be disappointed . . . and may actually enjoy the pleasure of not constantly shifting back and forth from handouts to unreadable screen while listening to someone read slides verbatim.
“Following along” is not part of a good presentation. If you do your job right, and you have prepared proper visual aids, the audience won’t need a cheat sheet to interpret what you’re saying and doing.
Would you hand out the script of a hit movie beforehand, so folks can “follow along,” or would you rely upon the strength of your visuals, the power of your delivery, and the concision of your script to convey your meaning in a memorable way?
More Generally . . .
While we’re on the issue of slides more generally (and there is much that could be said), there’s this:
If you’re addicted to delivering presentations with quickly produced “bullet point” slides, then you are mired in a highly ineffective – even failed – presentation model. A look at a couple of superb sources is in order.
Beyond Bullet Points, by Cliff Atkinson and Slide:ology, by Nancy Duarte are fabulous resources to transform the most mundane presentations into memorable moments for any audience (at least from the perspective of your visual aids, if properly utilized).
Granted, most of us believe that vast swaths of the presentation activity are open to opinion on this or that technique. My position on the matter is that far less is open to disagreement than we like to pretend. I watch and evaluate a minimum of 75 group business presentations and 300 individual presentations each year.
If the point is to communicate in an especially powerful manner the major points of a business presentation, there is a right way to do most of what many still believe is open to debate.
If the object of a presentation is to mimic the boss, to show one’s mastery of arcana, to anesthetize the audience, to conduct a group slide reading . . . then sure, let a thousand “techniques” blossom, and Good Luck and Godspeed!
But if the point is to focus laser-like on a major topic or broad theme and the desire is to communicate this in the most powerful and persuasive manner available, then ironclad principles – call them immutable laws – are available to guide us.
And the First Law is “Nope, you can’t have my slides.”