Who is the World Expert on Business School Presentations?

Assuming that there is one.
And depending, of course, on what we mean by “expert” and what we mean by “world.”
Those quibbles aside, that expert would be me.
Yes . . . me.
I’m the World Expert on Business School Presentations.
At least that’s what Google says.
And what Google says must be true, right?
The World Expert? What Bombast!
If you’re a regular reader – and there must be millions – then this assertion comes as no revelation. If you’re a new reader, this assertion likely strikes you as, at bare minimum, bombastic and riven with hubris.
Hubris of a sort that took down Dornish Prince Oberyn Martell.
On the other hand, it well could be true.
It could be true, because I Googled the search phrase “World’s Expert on Business School Presentations.”
My search results?
Of 1 billion websites worldwide, my site — this site right here —appears at the top of organic search results.
Go ahead, try it.
The World Expert!
So, what does this mean, practically speaking?
It strongly implies that I am the Best in the World at what I do. And what I do is train business school students to become especially powerful business presenters.
The World Expert on Business School Presentations?
Yes, that would be my first and quite natural inclination. I’ll savor that interpretation in my private moments.
But other than that it implies much about how we can create and develop a personal brand.

Indeed, for didactic purposes, it shows the power of a consistent and focused brand.
And the power of brand-building over time.
It’s the same brand-building process I advocate in my seminars on personal branding as the foundation of your business presentation persona.
That brand-building process includes a big, hairy audacious goal – to become the Best in the World at what you do.
To become the World Expert on your subject matter, your skill, your service.
That’s a worthy goal and one you just might reach. And it’s a sure-fire way to build your personal competitive advantage.
For more on brand-building from the “World’s Expert on Business School Presentations,” have a look at the Complete Guide to Business School Presentations.