Strategic Thinking Skills

The Million-Dollar Best-seller

“A serious force in American education.” — The Wall Street Journal

“Passionate, erudite, living legend lecturers. Academia’s best lecturers are being captured on tape.” — Los Angeles Times

“Pure intellectual stimulation.” — Harvard Magazine


Strategic thinking is a powerful and valuable skill, one that leads to greater chances of success in your professional and personal projects.  It means setting goals, developing long-range plans, anticipating the unexpected, analyzing your environment, and even cooperating with your competitors.

It means understanding and even influencing the correlation of myriad forces that impact our lives daily.

You can achieve especially powerful through strategic thinking.

The only catch: Strategic thinking doesn’t come naturally.

Most of us are static thinkers who tend to make decisions only for today, and so strategic thinking skills must be learned, cultivated, practiced, and applied.  Moreover, it requires an understanding of strategy and the sources of strategic thought.  By imbibing deeply of the ideas of the greatest strategic thinkers of history, they become part of us.  Their ideas transform us and we begin to look at the world differently.

Strategic Thinking Skills for Competitive AdvantageMastering the art and craft of strategic thinking can help you . . .

  • plan more effectively with an eye for avoiding unpleasant surprises
  • impose a stronger sense of order on chaotic, disorderly projects and scenarios
  • make savvier decisions and outsmart your competitors with greater confidence and ease
  • increase your productivity and satisfaction at work and at home

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