I am always struck anew by the similarities across countries and cultures with regard to international business presentations.
More precisely, the delivering of business presentations across cultures.
The pathologies that afflict American Business Presentations show themselves in India . . . in France . . . in Russia. And now, I discover yet another country and cultural commonality. This time in Colombia.
My Seven Secrets seminar with Colombian Businessmen and Businesswomen at Corn Products International here in Cali confirms the core truths of the speaking masters from the past 25 centuries.
Even with regard to international business presentations.
It confirms that they are universally applicable across a range of cultures and languages. Have a look at the company here:
Colombian C-Suite and midlevel managers react much as their American and Indian counterparts with regard to the most common pathologies that destroy what could be outstanding presentations. These include bad voices, roaming presenters, slide-reading, back to the audience, hip-shots. Add-in jittery feet, strange habitual actions, finger play, mumbling, and jammed/busy/ugly/unreadable slides.
All of this we see here in the United States. It plagues Colombian business as well.
International Business Presentations Incorporate Ambition
But my Colombian colleagues – at Bristol-Myers Squibb, Corn Products International, Johnson & Johnson, Javeriana University – show themselves to be receptive to coaching. In fact, they are far more receptive to coaching and development of especially powerful presentation skills than their American counterparts generally.
Why this should be so, I cannot guess. Unless it relates to the difficulties of presenting in a second language and the ambition that accompanies the potential of a growing Colombian business sector that is becoming increasingly internationalized.
Presenting in a second language is, of course, an impressive feat in itself.
All of this demonstrates that there exist iron-clad truths in presenting. And we ignore these truths at our presentation peril.
The eternal and ubiquitous verities in the presentation milieu serve to anchor us in a superficially uncertain world that the avatars of “change management” urge us to adapt to. Certitude, not “change,” is the key to especially powerful presenting.
Learn the verities and practice the universals in your international business presentations, and you’ll go incredibly right. Whether in the United States, or in India . . . or in Colombia.