Do you bristle when folks suggest that you might improve yourself in some way . . . such as how you might improve your presentation voice?
This is a natural reaction when it comes to highly personal aspects of our personality and behavior.
We bristle.
We reject coaching in certain areas.
Perhaps you kneejerk that “There’s nothing wrong with my ——–!”
Of course, it’s much easier to accept a substandard status quo than it is to opt for improvement.
One example of such an area of improvement is your business presentation voice.
To get to the point where we can improve the speaking voice, we first must accept that there’s nothing sacred, sacrosanct, or “natural” about your speaking voice.
Your voice is the product of many years of development from numerous influences. Many of these influences might well have been unconscious acquisitions. Perhaps adaptations of which you may be unaware.
Why not evaluate your voice today?
Film your presentation, then watch with critical eye and listen with critical ear. Listen with an ear to how to improve your presentation voice.
See if it gets the presentation job done for you. Does it?
Does your voice crack? Does it whine?
Do you perform a Kim Kardashian vocal fry at the end of every sentence? Does it tic up at the end of every sentence with a bad case of uptalk, turning your sentences all into questions?
Do you lard your conversation with nonsensical filler such as “whatever,” “umm,” “totally,” and “like” hundreds of times per day?
If you are then pleased with all of this, then carry on. Or choose to improve the communicative power of your voice.
Why not change for the better?
Improve Your Presentation Voice
It’s time to recognize that your voice is not a sacred artifact, nor is it some precious extension of your very being. It’s an instrument with which you communicate.
You can sharpen your communication skills by improving your voice.
Simply thinking of your voice in this way will improve its quality. Working to improve it will improve its quality dramatically and build your voice into an especially powerful skill for personal competitive advantage.
Let’s consider here several things you can do to improve your voice.
Nothing extreme at all. Have a look . . .
For more on how to improve your presentation voice, consult The Complete Guide to Business School Presenting.