You and the great orators of history have something in common . . . and it’s more than your essential humanity. You have the commonality of potential for great business presentations.
You have the potential for greatness of expression. For power and impact in your presentations. You just have to know what to do, and then seize the moment.
At the risk of committing hyperbole, I suggest here that your rightful destiny as a superb presenter awaits you. No one can stop you from realizing that destiny . . . except yourself.
Interview on Great Business Presentations
I sometimes receive the humbling honor of getting to chat with bright people on interesting topics. Such was the case when Soundview Executive Summaries suggested an interview on the great presenters of history. Soundview is a superb company that prepares summaries of the great business books of our time. The company delivers them to busy folks in a variety of formats. And I am all for anything that spreads great ideas in ways that people can access them easily.
Join me here as I chat with Andrew Clancy of Soundview Executive Summaries.
This interview, conducted on the campus of Temple University in Philadelphia, sums nicely my views on modern business presenting and is the second of a three-part series to appear here in the coming days.
The Message: If we neglect the speaking masters of the past 2500 years . . . we are all the poorer for it.
Look and listen . . .
So much more can be said, of course. A wealth of oratorical wisdom awaits those with the gumption to discover it. My own book collection on the subject of great business presentations now exceeds 1,000. Some folks might consider that obsessive. I suspect that it is.
But in this world of obsessive behavior, I am quite happy with my own.
If you find yourself not obsessed, but just a wee bit interested in how to deliver Great Business Presentations, consult The Complete Guide to Business School Presenting.