For many, Globalization is the nefarious catchall word for many of the world’s discontents.
But in China it means progress and prosperity.
In Guangzhou, previously known as Canton, the dynamism of a global economy is on display. Not only in the towering skyscrapers that line the Pearl River, but in the latest generation of business-savvy 20-somethings.
The MBAs in China with whom I work – to a student – display a cosmopolitan outlook and entrepreneurial spirit that was largely absent a generation ago.
This outlook is leavened with ambition. It carries a healthy Confucian ethos, and a killer capitalist skill set . . . including business presenting designed for multi-national audiences.
Especially Powerful Global Presentations
I’m back in Guangzhou in a week to inculcate global presentation skills to an international clientele proficient in multiple languages. They’re eager to absorb the lessons of Western-style management and embrace the proven techniques of modern industrial and technological wealth production.
These techniques of course include especially powerful presenting, which can confer unmatched personal competitive advantage – a global presentation advantage.
As I’ve contended elsewhere, these students comprise a new cadre of global executives. They’re a special breed of 21st Century Managers, unencumbered with outdated notions held over from the industrial revolution.
A cadre imbued with the qualities of . . .
Cultural Competence
Technical Proficiency
Flexibility and Adaptability
Cosmopolitan Outlook
Team orientation
Personal and Professional Aligned Strategic Focus
A Global Presentation Advantage
Young managers who can deliver especially powerful presentations in a second or third language for a Global Presentation Advantage.
Now that’s advantage.
And with an incredible hunger to become the best business presenters possible, who embrace the range of instruction found in The Guide to Business School Presenting . . . quite revolutionary to the Chinese education system.
China is an economic dragon on the cusp of a genuine Great Economic Leap Forward.
In the coming three weeks, I’ll be posting from Guangzhou and Beijing and, one hopes, revealing presentation secrets from the Middle Kingdom.